1.7.2 How to operate the buttons, slider bars on the Status bar
The Status bar has three types of controls: toggle button, drop-down list button and
slider bar. You operate the buttons and bars with the trackball module.
Control type Example of control
Toggle button
A toggle button alternately selects one of two
functions assigned to a button. For example, the
[STBY TX] button toggles the radar between
stand-by and TX. The background color of the
[STBY TX] button momentarily changes to light-
blue when switching from stand-by to TX.
Drop-down list button
A drop-down list button provides a list from which
to select an option related to the label on the but-
ton. A drop-down list button is identified by a tri-
angle on the button’s bottom-right corner. The
[Chart database] button, shown in the right figure,
is an example of a drop-down list button.
Slider bar
The slider bars provide for adjustment of the ra-
dar picture. [RAIN], [SEA] and [GAIN] are slider
bar buttons. To adjust the bar coarsely, put the
cursor at any location within the slider bar area
then push the left button. For fine adjustment, put
the cursor at the end of the slider bar and roll the
trackball while holding down the left button. Re-
lease the button to finish.
Click button to show
drop-down list.