[Compilation Scale]: The scale of the original paper chart is shown here.
[Projection]: Projection of current chart.
[Horizontal Datum]: Horizontal datum used with current chart.
[Sounding Datum]: Datum used to create sounding data.
[Vertical Datum]: Vertical datum used with current chart.
[Units of Depth]: Unit of depth used with current chart.
[Units of Height]: Unit of measurement used to measure height of objects above sea
[Magnetic Variation]: Amount of magnetic variation. A positive value indicates a
change in an easterly direction and a negative value indicates a change in a westerly
[Quality Indication]: Quantitative estimate of the accuracy of chart features, given by
the chart producer.
9.1.3 Permanent warnings for S57 charts
Permanent warnings help you keep the S57 charts up-to-date and these are shown at
the bottom of the screen. Permanent warnings appear if the system detects a condi-
tion that may cause a chart to be not up-to-date.
Note: The system can assist in keeping RENC-received charts up-to-date. For charts
that have been loaded from sources other than an RENC, the system is unable to
know the exact up-to-date situation.
Message Meaning, Remedy
Display date is not current Display date is not the current date. Set
Display date and Approved until date to the
current date.
ENC: permits have expired The system found an expired permit for a
chart. Remove the chart or renew sub-
scription for the permit.
ENC: Product list not up to date The product list is not up to date. Update
the product list.
ENC: AIO product list not up to date The AIO chart is not be up to date. Load
updated material.
No connection to dongle The dongle is not inserted. Insert the don-
gle to erase the message.
Not up to date (SSE 27): XXXXXXXX
(Chart name appears at location of Xs.)
At least one chart is not up to date. Load
updated material.
Permit expired (SSE 25): XXXXXXXX
(Chart name appears at location of Xs.)
You have an expired permit for a chart. Re-
move the chart or renew subscription for
the permit.