
76 iRMC S2/S3
Local user management for the iRMC S2/S3
1. ssh-keygen requests the file name under which the SSHv2 key is to be
saved. If you press [Enter] to confirm without entering a file name,
ssh-keygen uses the default file name id_rsa.
2. ssh-keygen requests you to enter a passphrase (and to confirm it) that
is used to encrypt the private key. If you press [Enter] to confirm
without entering a passphrase, ssh-keygen does not use a passphrase.
3. ssh-keygen informs the user that the newly generated private SSHv2
key has been saved in the file /.ssh/id_rsa.
4. ssh-keygen informs the user that the newly generated public SSHv2
key has been saved in the file /.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
5. ssh-keygen displays the fingerprint of the public SSHv2 key and the
local login to which the public key belongs.