iRMC S2/S3 177
iRMC S2/S3 - Information, firmware and certificates
Loading the DSA/RSA certificate and private DSA/RSA key from local files
You do this using the group
SSL Certificate and DSA/RSA private key upload from file.
I The private key and the certificate must be loaded on the iRMC S2/S3 at
the same time.
Figure 92: Loading the DSA/RSA certificate/private DSA/RSA key from local files
Proceed as follows:
Ê Save the X.509 DSA/RSA (SSL) certificate and the private DSA/RSA key in
corresponding local files on the managed server.
Ê Specify the files Private Key File and Certificate File by clicking on the
associated Browse button and navigating to the file which contains the
private key or the certificate.
Ê Click Upload to load the certificate and the private key onto the iRMC S2/S3.
I When you upload the certificate and private key, all the existing
HTTPS connections are closed and the HTTPS server is
automatically restarted. This process can take up to 30 seconds.
No explicit reset of the iRMC S2/S3 is required.
Ê Click View Certificate to make sure that the certificate has been loaded