iRMC S2/S3 405
IPMI OEM Commands supported by the iRMC S2/S3
F5 42 - Get HDD lightpath status (Component Status Signal Read)
This command returns information on the state of a Hard Disk Drive (HDD) slot.
Request Data - B8 NetFn|LUN: OEM/Group
- F5 Cmd : Command Group iRMC
1:3 80 28 00 IANA-Enterprise-Number FTS, LS Byte first
4 42 Command Specifier
5 Entity ID (Table 37-12 of IPMI 1.5 Spec.) of Component
whose Status Signal is to be read.
6 Entity Instance (0-based) of Component whose Status
Signal is to be read.
7 Sensor Type (Table 36-3 of IPMISpec.) of the Sensor which
reports the Status of the Component to which the Status
Signal is associated.
(8) Option (optional)
Bit 7:2 - Reserved
Bit 1 :Completion Code 0x02 suppressed
Bit 0 - 1 : Return ID String of Component Status Sensor
Response Data - BC
- F5
1 Completion Code:
01= Status Signal not available
02 = Component not present
2:4 80 28 00 IANA-Enterprise-Number FTS, LS Byte first
5 Signal Status:
00 = ok
01 = Identify
02 = Prefailure Warning
03 = Failure
6 CSS and Physical LED available:
Bit 6:0 - 0= No physical LED available
Bit 6:0 > 00 = Physical LED available, Single or Multiple
Color, Code
Bit 7 = 0: No CSS Component
Bit 7 = 1: CSS Component
(7) Length of ID String of Component Status Sensor
(only present if Bit 0 in Request Byte 8 is set)
(8 .. m) Length of ID String of Component Status Sensor in ASCII
(only present if Bit 0 in Request Byte 8 is set)