
338 iRMC S2/S3
Enclosure Information
Internal Eventlog
The following menu appears if you select Internal Eventlog from the Enclosure
Information... submenu:
Figure 207: Remote Manager: Internal Eventlog menu
The submenu contains the following functions:
View Internal Eventlog
(text, newest last)
The contents of the internal event log are output to
screen in a readable form and in reverse chronological
order (the most recent entry last).
Dump Internal
Eventlog (raw, newest
last )
The contents of the internal event log are dumped in
reverse chronological order (the most recent entry
View Internal Eventlog
Display information on the internal event log.
Clear Internal Eventlog Clear the contents of the internal event log.
Change Internal
Eventlog mode
Changes the buffer mode of the internal event log from
Ring Buffer mode to Linear Buffer mode and vice versa.
Table 14: Internal Eventlog menu