AT Commands Table 82
&P 0 39% make/break ratio. 10PPS
1 33% make/break ratio. 10PPS
2 33% make/break ratio. 20PPS
&S 0DSR always ON.
1 DSR comes on when establishing a connection and goes off when the
connection ends.
&T 0 Abort. Stops any test in progress.
1 Local analog loop.
&V View active configuration and stored profile.
&W Store current configuration
&Zn Store telephone number. (n=0, 1, 2, 3)
/A 0 Sets MNP block size max. 64 characters
1 Sets MNP block size max. 128 characters
2 Sets MNP block size max. 192 characters
3 Sets MNP block size max. 256 characters
/Bn Transmit break to remote. /B1-/B9 break length in 100ms units. 3
/K 1) Receives break from the DTE when on-line mode. 5
0, 2, 4 Enter on-line command mode, no break set to remote.
1 Clear data buffers and send break to remote modem
3 Send break to remote modem immediately.
5 Send break to remote modem in sequence with transmitted data.
2) On-line command mode during a data connection. The /B is received in order to
send a break to the remote.
0, 1 Clear data buffers and send break to remote modem.
2, 3 Send break to remote modem immediately.
4, 5 Send break to remote modem in sequence with data.
3) Break is received from a remote modem during on-line mode.
0, 1 Clears data buffers and sends break to the DTE.
2, 3 Send a break immediately to the DTE.
4, 5 Send a break in sequence with received data to the DTE.
Command Specification Default