PHDISK Hard Disk Preparation Utility 27
PHDISK Hard Disk Preparation Utility 3
The PHDISK hard disk preparation utility can be used to prepare either a dedicated partition or create a
hidden MS-DOS file for storing system data during a “save-to-disk” operation.
Note: The Save-to-Disk operation will not work unless the Resume On Modem Ring is disabled in
both the BIOS and in Windows. In order to disable Resume On Modem Ring, contact Fujitsu PC to
obtain a patch program which will allow you to disable the function through Windows.
Command Line Options 3
Table 3-20 lists PHDISK command line options and additional parameters. Note that PHDISK options can
be invoked using only the first letter of each option and parameter. For example either,
can be used to invoke the reformat option.
Creating a save-to-disk partition will reformat the hard disk
drive, erasing all data on the disk. Back up your hard disk
before using PHDISK to create a save-to-disk partition.
Table 3-20. PHDISK Command Line Options
Option Parameters Description
None Displays the PHDISK Opening Screen.
/CREATE /PARTITION Creates a save-to-disk partition. (Entire hard disk is reformatted.)
Creating a save-to-disk partition will reformat the hard disk drive,
erasing all data on the disk. You must back up your hard disk before
using PHDISK to create a save-to-disk partition. To avoid reformatting
your hard disk, use the /FILE parameter instead of the /PARTITION
/FILE If no save-to-disk partition exists, PHDISK creates a save-to-disk file
large enough for the current system configuration.
If a save-to-disk partition exists, PHDISK creates a save-to-disk file
large enough to supplement the existing save-to-disk partition space.
(The file created provides additional disk space required for save to
disk operation.)
/DELETE /PARTITION Deletes all data in the save-to-disk partition and renders disk space
occupied by the save-to-disk partition unusable. (You must reformat
the entire hard disk to use the hard disk space occupied by the
deleted partition.)
/FILE Delete save-to-disk file.