PHDISK Hard Disk Preparation Utility 30
/CREATE Option Syntax 3
The syntax of the PHDISK /CREATE option is:
Table 3-21 lists valid examples of the PHDISK /CREATE option.
The /REFORMAT option resets the pointers in a save-to-disk partition. Use this option after a
save-to-disk operation is terminated by a read or write error.
Note: Only save-to-disk partitions can be reformatted; save-to-disk files cannot. If a hard disk error occurs while
writing to a save-to-disk file, use PHDISK /DELETE /FILE to delete the save-to-disk file. Then, use
PHDISK /CREATE /FILE to create a new save-to-disk file.
/REFORMAT Option Syntax 3
Table 3-22 lists an example of the PHDISK /REFORMAT option.
Table 3-21. PHDISK /CREATE Option
Command Description
(or PHDISK /C /F)
If no save-to-disk partition exists, PHDISK creates
a save-to-disk file large enough for the current
system configuration.
If a save-to-disk partition exists, PHDISK creates
a save-to-disk file large enough to supplement the
existing save-to-disk partition space. (The file
created provides additional disk space required for
save-to-disk operation.)
(or PHDISK /C /P)
Creates a save-to-disk partition using the amount
of memory required as calculated by PHDISK.
Creating a save-to-disk partition will reformat the
hard disk drive, erasing all data on the disk. You
must back up your hard disk before using PHDISK
to create a save-to-disk partition. To avoid
reformatting your hard disk, use the /FILE
parameter instead of the /PARTITION parameter.
(or PHDISK /C 10240 /F)
Creates a 10 MB save-to-disk file. The [SIZE]
variable is 10240.
Table 3-22. PHDISK /REFORMAT Option
Command Description
(or PHDISK /R /P)
Reformats the save-to-disk partition.