SetHotpadNotification 74
SetHotpadNotification 9
This function enables hotpad notification. Applications which are to receive notification of hotpad events
must call this function once to enable hotpad notification. A prototype of this function is shown below:
int SetHotpadNotification ( HWND WindowHandle, UINT MessageID )
Parameters this function accepts are described below:
Return values for SetHotpadNotification are as follows:
KillHotpadNotification 9
This function disables hotpad notification for your application. Programs which have enabled hotpad
notification should call this function before exiting or when hotpad notification is no longer desired. A
prototype of this function is shown below:
BOOL KillHotpadNotification ( int NotificationID )
You must pass the hotpad notification ID number that was returned by SetHotpadNotification as the
NotificationID parameter. Note that this function disables hotpad notification for the calling application
only. Other applications which have enabled hotpad notification will continue to receive hotpad
notification. Return values for this function are as follows:
Parameter Description
WindowHandle Handle to the application window that will receive hotpad
notification messages.
MessageID Message ID of the notification message that will be sent to the
calling application window when a hotpad event occurs.
Return Value Description
Positive nonzero integer Hotpad notification ID. Returned on success.
The library assigns a unique hotpad notification ID number for each
occurrence of the SetHotpadNotification function. Your application
must pass this ID number when hotpad notification is disabled
using the KillHotpadNotification function.
0 Memory allocation failure.
-1 WindowHandle parameter not valid.
-2 Could not allocate system timer.
Return Value Description
TRUE Returned if the function is successful. Hotpad notification is
FALSE Returned if the function fails.
This function will fail if the NotificationID parameter is not a valid
hotpad notification ID.