A healthy, sugar free dessert which
can be whipped up in minutes.
aa llaarrggee,, vveerryy rriippee mmaannggoo,, ppeeeelleedd
aanndd ssttoonneedd
44 ttaabblleessppoooonnss ooff GGrreeeekk sseett
CCuubbeedd ppaappaayyaa,, oorr
sslliicceess ooff kkiiwwii
ffrruuiitt ((ooppttiioonnaall))
• Place both ingredients in the mini
chopper and whiz until you have
a smooth cream
• Serve in pretty little bowls,
topped with the fruit
For an indulgent treat, this creamy,
intensely chocolatey pudding is hard
to beat. It can be frozen and served
as a parfait, or chilled in the fridge for
a softer texture.
118800gg ((66oozz)) ppllaaiinn,, bbeesstt qquuaalliittyy
ddaarrkk cchhooccoollaattee
227755mmll ((½½ ppiinntt)) ddoouubbllee ccrreeaamm
33 ffrreesshh eegggg yyoollkkss
g ((44oozz)) ccaasstteerr ssuuggaarr
116600mmll ((55½½ffll oozz)) wwaatteerr
RReedd ssoofftt ffrruuiittss ((ooppttiioonnaall))
• Break up the chocolate, place in
the mini chopper and chop into
small pieces
• Lightly whip the cream in a bowl
from which it is easy to pour
• Put the sugar and water into a
small pan to make a syrup. Bring
to the boil and stir just enough to
dissolve the sugar. Simmer for 2-3
• Remove from the heat and pour
the syrup directly on to the
chocolate, secure the lid and whiz
until the chocolate is melted
• Add the egg yolks and whiz again
until smooth. Pour this onto the
cream, stir in well and pour into
individual glasses or dishes before
the mix sets
• Chill. If serving as a frozen dessert,
remove from freezer in time to
allow it to soften a little
• Serve with red fruits on top
Chocolate parfait (serves six to eight)