
Impress with a fresh, red
fruit sauce for ice cream and
many desserts
Whiz up a punnet of fresh
(NOT frozen) raspberries or
strawberries with a tablespoon of
icing sugar and a squeeze of
lemon juice, until smooth
Taste, add more sugar or lemon
juice if necessary, and whiz
quickly again
If using raspberries, rub the sauce
through a sieve with the back of a
spoon to remove the tiny seeds
Serve within the day
Make quick, creamy soups
The mini chopper is enormously
helpful in making soups
First it chops the prepared
vegetables; later it is used to
make the soup smooth and
creamy – you don’t need cream
to make a cream soup if you have
a mini chopper!
Nourishing, healthy soups can be
made from cooked parsnip and
apples, tomatoes, carrots and
onions, or soft squashes like
pumpkin, butternut and
Use flavourings such a dash of
curry powder, fresh ginger,
cumin, or sprigs of thyme to ring
the changes
(See soup recipe, page 17)
Chop fresh herbs – no mess.
Take a large fistful of soft herbs
and whiz for a second on high
speed, scrape down the sides of
the bowl and whiz again for a
second on slow speed
Knock up a smoothie. A
smoothie is a terrific and healthy
pick-me-up at any time of the
day, and fruit which is just past
its best can be used
A smoothie is made in moments
with your mini chopper. Most
soft fruits are suitable, peeled and
roughly cut into chunks and
whizzed together
Stir into cereal for a nutritious
To make a smoothiedrink, pour
mixture into a glass and add
milk, yogurt and/or fruit juice to
the required consistency. (For a
smoothie dessert see recipe,
page 21)
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