• They are ready when you can
crush the vegetables easily with
the back of a spoon. Tip into a
colander to drain thoroughly,
reserving a little of the water
• Place in the mini chopper, using
the slower speed, and whiz until
they become a chunky cream,
adding salt and pepper to taste,
and the butter and/or cream
• Add cinnamon to the swede. If
the mash becomes too thick add
a little of the cooking water
• Return to the saucepan, stir well
with a wooden spoon to reheat
• Alternatively make in advance,
pour a thin layer of milk over the
top, cover and reheat in a
These simple and inexpensive
ingredients make a great soup.
Serve in colourful mugs or bowls.
aa ggoooodd hhaannddffuull ooff ppaarrsslleeyy
aa llaarrggee oonniioonn
aa llaarrggee ppoottaattoo
3300gg ((11oozz)) bbuutttteerr
443300mmll ((¾¾ ppiinntt))
lliigghhtt ssttoocckk,, mmaaddee
ffrroomm aa ccuubbee oorr ppoowwddeerr
aa bbaayy lleeaaff
aa ppiinncchh ooff mmaaccee ((ooppttiioonnaall))
114400mmll ((¼¼ ppiinntt)) mmiillkk (
ssaalltt aanndd ggrroouunndd wwhhiittee ppeeppppeerr
• Chop the parsley in the mini
chopper. Scrape out and set aside
– no need to clean the chopper
bowl. Cut the onion into chunks,
and whiz in the chopper
• Cut the potato into cubes with a
knife. Melt the butter in a heavy
based saucepan, add the potato
and onion, cover with the lid and
cook to soften very gently for
7-10 minutes, stirring from time
to time to prevent browning
• Then add the stock, bay leaf and
mace, bring to the boil and
simmer for 20 minutes, with the
lid slightly ajar. It is cooked when
you can crush the vegetables
easily with the back of a spoon
• Remove bay leaf and allow to
cool slightly