Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2 6-31
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function causes the instrument to perform a self-test and returns the result of
that self-test. This is used to verify that an instrument is operating properly. A failure
may indicate a potential hardware problem.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_self_test(ViSession vi, ViPInt16 test_result,
ViChar_VI_FAR test_message[ ] );
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
test_result Numeric result from self-test operation. 0: No error.
test_message[ ] Self-test status message. This is limited to 256 characters.
This function clears the test result of the specified diagnostics item.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_testClear(ViSession vi, ViInt16 framecard_clear);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
framecard_clear Test result to clear. 0 to 10. See below.
0: Test result of all test items
1: Card 1 relay test result
2: Card 2 relay test result
3: Card 3 relay test result
4: Card 4 relay test result
5: Relay test result of all cards
6: Front panel key test result
7: Controller test result
8: Light pen test result
9: LED matrix test result
10: Beeper test result