Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2 5-7
SCPI Command Reference
Semantics The following table shows the bits of the Standard Event Status Register, and the
binary-weighted decimal value of each bit.
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;"*ESR?"
ENTER @Agb2200;A
This query command returns the ID of your B2200.
Syntax *IDN?
Query response AGILENT,model,0,revision <newline><^END>
Example DIM A$[50]
OUTPUT @Agb2200;"*IDN?"
ENTER @Agb2200;A$
An example result of above program is:
bit binary-weight description
0 1 OPC (Operation Complete)
1 2 not used. always 0.
2 4 QYE (Query ERROR)
3 8 DDE (Device-Dependent ERROR)
4 16 EXE (Execution ERROR)
5 32 CME (Command ERROR)
6 64 not used. always 0.
7 128 PON (Power on)
Response Type Explanation
model character model number. B2200A or B2201A
revision character revision number. A.01.00 or later