Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2 4-13
Programming Examples
Table 4-5 Ground Mode Example
Imports Agilent.TMFramework
Imports Agilent.TMFramework.DataAnalysis
Imports Agilent.TMFramework.DataVisualization
Imports Agilent.TMFramework.InstrumentIO
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim B2200 As New DirectIO("GPIB0::22::INSTR")
Dim channels As String = "(@101,202,303,404)" '8
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:FUNC ACON") '10
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:CONN:SEQ ALL,BBM")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:AGND:PORT ALL,12") '13
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:AGND:UNUSED ALL,'5,6,7,8'")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:AGND:STAT ALL,ON")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:CLOS " & channels) '17
MsgBox("Click OK to start measurement.", vbOKOnly, "")
Console.WriteLine("Measurement in progress. . ." & Chr(10))
'insert the code for measurement
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:AGND:STAT ALL,OFF") '21
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:OPEN:CARD ALL")
MsgBox("Click OK to stop the program.", vbOKOnly, "")
Console.WriteLine("Measurement completed." & Chr(10))
End Sub '26
End Module
Line Description
8 Defines the channel list in the channels variable (string).
9 to 12 Resets the Agilent B2200. And sets the Auto configuration mode, the Single connection
rule, and the Break_Before_Make connection sequence.
13 to 16 Sets the ground port and the ground enabled input/output ports. And turns the ground mode
ON. Open the ground enabled input ports to prevent the instruments from damage.
17 Closes switches to connect the input-output paths specified by channels.
17 to 27 Almost same as the code shown in the lines 13 to 22 of Table 4-3. The command used to
turn the ground mode OFF has been inserted to the line 21.