
6-18 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function compensates capacitance/conductance data measured by the Agilent
4284A LCR meter, and returns compensation results. Before this function is
executed, a compensation data file must be specified by using the
agb220xa_selectCompenFile function. The file must contain the appropriate
compensation coefficients for your measurement environment. For obtaining the
compensation coefficients for your environment and creating the compensation data
file, see “Capacitance Compensation” on page 4-20.
Syntax agb220xa_compenC(ViSession vi, ViReal64 frequency, ViReal64 raw_c,
ViReal64 raw_g, ViPReal64 compen_c, ViPReal64 compen_g);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
frequency Measurement frequency (in Hz). 1E3 (1 kHz) to 1E6 (1 MHz).
raw_c Capacitance (in F) measured by the 4284A.
raw_g Conductance (in S) measured by the 4284A.
compen_c Capacitance compensation result (in F). Returned value.
compen_g Conductance compensation result (in S). Returned value.
The function sets connection rule and connection sequence for the specified card.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_connRuleSeq(ViSession vi,
ViInt16 cardno_ruleseq, ViInt16 rule, ViInt16 sequence);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
cardno_ruleseq Card number. 1 (card 1), 2 (card 2), 3 (card 3), 4 (card 4), or 5
(all card) in the normal configuration mode, or 0 (all card in the
auto configuration mode). For the configuration mode, see
rule Connection rule. 0 (free route) or 1 (single route).
sequence Connection sequence. 0, 1, or 2. See below.
0 (no sequence)
1 (break before make)
2 (make before break)