Navigating the Web Browser Interface
Rate Limit 3-50
Input Port Configuration Sets the input rate limit for each port 3-50
Input Trunk Configuration Sets the input rate limit for each trunk 3-50
Output Port Configuration Sets the output rate limit for each port 3-50
Output Trunk Configuration Sets the output rate limit for each trunk 3-50
Port Statistics Lists Ethernet and RMON port statistics 3-51
VDSL 3-56
Global Configuration Batch assigns profiles for speed and distance range to all the
VDSL ports on the switch
Port Configuration Configures port connection settings 3-58
Port Link Status Displays information on the link status of individual VDSL ports 3-61
Port Ethernet Statistics Displays Ethernet statistics for individual switch VDSL ports and
linked CPE Ethernet ports
Line Configuration Configures line connection settings 3-65
Interface Information Displays physical interface and channel interface information 3-66
Performance Monitor
Displays line and channel performance data information since
the switch was last reset, during the current 15 minute interval,
and during the current day.
Performance Monitor History Displays line and channel performance data information during
selected 15 minute intervals over the last 24 hours of switch
operation, and during selected 1-day intervals from the current
day to 30 days ago.
Address Table 3-73
Static Addresses Displays entries for interface, address or VLAN 3-73
Dynamic Addresses Displays or edits static entries in the Address Table 3-74
Address Aging Sets timeout for dynamically learned entries 3-75
Spanning Tree 3-76
STA 3-76
Information Displays STA values used for the bridge 3-77
Configuration Configures global bridge settings for STA and RSTP 3-79
Port Information Displays individual port settings for STA 3-81
Trunk Information Displays individual trunk settings for STA 3-81
Port Configuration Configures individual port settings for STA 3-84
Trunk Configuration Configures individual trunk settings for STA 3-84
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