Command Line Interface
Time Commands
The system clock can be dynamically set by polling a set of specified time servers
(NTP or SNTP), or by using information broadcast by local time servers.
sntp client
This command enables SNTP client requests for time synchronization from NTP or
SNTP time servers specified with the sntp servers command. Use the no form to
disable SNTP client requests.
[no] sntp client
Default Setting
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Console#show logging sendmail
SMTP servers
SMTP minimum severity level: 7
SMTP destination email addresses
SMTP source email address: bill@this-company.com
SMTP status: Enable
Command Function Mode Pag
sntp client Accepts time from specified time servers GC 4-44
sntp server Specifies one or more time servers GC 4-45
sntp poll Sets the interval at which the client polls for time GC 4-46
sntp broadcast client Accepts time from any time broadcast server GC 4-47
show sntp Shows current SNTP configuration settings NE, PE 4-47
clock timezone Sets the time zone for the switch’s internal clock GC 4-48
calendar set Sets the system date and time PE 4-48
show calendar Displays the current date and time setting NE, PE 4-49