VDSL Commands
VDSL Commands
These commands are used to to configure and display communication parameters
for VDSL and Ethernet ports on the switch and connected CPEs.
Command Function Mod
efm profile global Batch assigns profiles for speed to all the VDSL ports on the
GC 4-102
efm profile Assigns profiles for speed to individual VDSL ports IC 4-103
efm reset Resets the switch VDSL chipset or, if a CPE is connected, the
CPE VDSL chipset
IC 4-104
efm shutdown Disables the VDSL chipset transmitter of an EFM port that is not
being used
PE 4-104
efm rdl Enables/disables Remote Digital Loopback (RDL) mode IC 4-105
efm interleave Sets the interleave parameters for the selected port IC 4-106
efm noise-margin Sets the noise margin of the selected VDSL port IC 4-107
efm rate-adapt Enables and disables the rate adaption feature on the selected
VDSL port
IC 4-108
efm pbo Enables and disables power back-off on the selected VDSL port IC 4-109
show controllers
Displays the Ethernet link transmit and receive statistics on a
specific VDSL port.
PE 4-109
show controllers efm
Displays the current values of the VDSL link on a specific VDSL
PE 4-111
show controllers efm
Displays the administrative settings of the VDSL link on a specific
VDSL port
PE 4-112
show controllers efm
Displays information about the Ethernet in the First Mile (EFM)
profiles available on the switch, and how they are assigned to the
VDSL ports
PE 4-112
show controllers efm
Displays the VDSL link statistics and profile information on a
specific VDSL port
PE 4-114
show controllers efm
remote ethernet mode
Displays the connected CPE Ethernet mode PE 4-115
show controllers
Displays the noise margin for the switch’s VDSL ports PE 4-116
show controllers efm
Displays the channel performance for the channels in a VDSL
PE 4-117
show controllers efm
Displays the channel performance for the channels in a VDSL
PE 4-117
show controllers efm
Displays physical interfaces information for the selected VDSL
PE 4-118
show controllers efm
Displays channel interface information for the selected VDSL port PE 4-119
show controllers efm
Displays line and channel performance data information during
the current 15 minute interval, and during the current day.
PE 4-120