SN0054667-00 C 9-1
9 Fibre Channel Interactive
This chapter describes the interactive mode command line options for Fibre
Channel Adapters. The interactive mode uses a series of menus from which you
select the option you want by typing the number for that option.
For information about noninteractive mode operation—in which you simply type a
one- or two-letter code to perform operations on the adapter—refer to Chapter
5 Fibre Channel Noninteractive Commands.
This chapter uses a “breadcrumbs” line following most section headings that
shows you how to access that option; that is, it shows the hierarchical path from
the top level to the command under discussion. For example, to reach the Flash
Update option for Fibre Channel Adapters from the Main Menu, select option 3 to
choose Adapter Updates, 1 to select the Fibre Channel Adapter type, and then
1 to see the Flash Update option. The following shows the breadcrumbs
3. Adapter Updates
1. Fibre Channel Adapter
1. Flash Update
The Main Menu is as follows:
Main Menu
1: Adapter Information
2: Adapter Configuration
3: Adapter Updates
4: Adapter Diagnostics
5: Adapter Statistics
6: Refresh
7: Help
8: Exit
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