Honeywell HJZTP Video Game Controller User Manual

Rev. 1.01 2 900.0570
Quantity Description
1 HJZTP or HJZTPX Joystick Controller
1 HJZMU001150 User Manual
1 120 VAC to 12VDC 300mA power supply (HJZTP) or 230 VAC to
12VDC 300mA power supply (HJZTPX)
2 Cable, 8-Way RJ45 Connector on both ends (connect between
keyboards and DVRs/Multiplexers)
1 Cable, RJ45 connector one end and fly leads with green wire
and blue wire on other end
1 Cable, 8-Way RJ45 Connector one end and fly lead with
white/orange and orange wires on other end