Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI)
When programming with SCPI commands, it is possible to connect up to 15 additional power supplies per GP-IB address
using linked connections, and still communicate with each supply individually.
As shown in Figure C-lb, the first power supply in a linked connection is connected directly to the controller via a GP-IB
cable. It is the only power supply connected directly to the bus and has a unique primary bus address. You may connect
from 1 to 15 direct power supplies to a GP-IB interface.
The remaining power supplies are connected to the "direct" power supply via a serial-link cable. Each ’’linked" supply has a
unique secondary GP-IB address but derives its primary address from the direct power supply. You may connect from 1 to
15 linked power supplies to each direct power supply.
NOTE Either serial link connector on the rear of the GP-IB Board can be used for “input” or “output”'. In other
words, either jack can be used to connect to the next linked supply.
Figure C-1 Linked Connections