Agilent Technologies 6682A Video Gaming Accessories User Manual

66 Troubleshooting
1020 GOSUB Ps_error ! Error if passcode is not "0"!
1030 IF Err THEN
1040 OUTPUT @Ps;"*IDN?" ! Get data from model # location
1050 ENTER @Ps;Idn$
1060 Model=VAL(Idn$[POS(Idn$,”,”)+1] )
1070 ELSE
1080 GOTO Start
1090 END IF
1100 !
1110 OUTPUT @Ps;"CAL:STATE ON,";Model ! Turn on cal mode, passcode =
1120 ! data at model number location
1130 !
1140 GOSUB Ps_error ! Error if passcode is not same as
1150 ! data at model # location
1160 IF Err THEN
1170 OUTPUT @Ps;"CAL:STATE ON,";Model$[l,4] ! Turn on cal mode, passcode =
1180 ! model #
1190 GOSUB Ps_error
1200 IF Err THEN
1210 PRINT "Change pass code to the power supply model # or zero then restart the program."
1220 STOP
1230 ELSE
1240 GOTO Start
1250 END IF
1260 END IF
1270 !
1280 Start: !
1290 !
1300 !
1310 INPUT “Select Initialization (I) or Factory preset replacement (F).”,Sel$
1330 SELECT (UPC$(Sel$))
1340 CASE "I" ! Select Initialization
1350 GOTO Init_eeprom
1360 CASE "F" ! Select install new factory data
1370 GOTO Fact_preset
1390 BEEP
1400 GOTO Start
1420 !
1430 Init_eeprom: !
1440 PRINT “Initializing EEPROM”
1450 !
1460 FOR I=1 TO 49
1470 OUTPUT @Ps;"DIAG:EEPR '';Addr(I);'','';Length(I);'','';Init_data(I)
1480 NEXT I
1490 GOTO Cal_off
1500 !
1510 !
1520 Fact_preset: !
Figure 3-17. Initialization and Factory Preset Replacement Program Listing (Sheet 3 of 5)