Command Syntax
TLS 216 Programmer Manual
Argument Types
The argument of a command may be in one of several forms. The individual
descriptions of each command tell which argument types to use with that
Many logic scope commands require numeric arguments. The syntax shows the
format that the logic scope returns in response to a query. It is also the preferred
format when sending the command to the logic scope though it may accept any
of the formats. This manual represents these arguments as follows:
Symbol Meaning
<NR1> Signed integer value
<NR2> Floating point value without an exponent
<NR3> Floating point value with an exponent
The instrument will automatically force most numeric arguments to a valid
setting, either by rounding or truncating, when given an invalid number (unless
otherwise noted in the command description).
Some commands accept or return data in the form of a quoted string, which is
simply a group of ASCII characters enclosed by a single quote (') or double
quote ("). For example:
"this is a quoted string"
Symbol Meaning
<QString> Quoted string of ASCII text
Follow these rules when you use quoted strings:
1. A quoted string can include any character defined in the 7-bit ASCII
character set. (See Appendix A on page A–1).
2. Use the same type of quote character to open and close the string:
"this is a valid string"
3. You can mix quotation marks within a string as long as you follow the
previous rule:
"this is an 'acceptable' string"
Numeric Arguments
Quoted String Arguments