Command Descriptions
TLS 216 Programmer Manual
Clears the contents of the message window and displays the new message.
MESSage:SHOW <QString>
<QString> is the message and can include any of the characters shown in the
Logic Scope Character Chart in Appendix A. The maximum length of the
message is 1000 characters.
The message is left-justified and displayed on a single line starting with the top
most line in the window. A line feed character can be embedded in the string to
position the message on multiple lines. You can also use white space and tab
characters to position the message within a line.
A tab can be sent by sending a tab character (decimal 9) followed by two
numeric characters that specify the pixel column relative to the left margin of the
message window.
The ESC character followed by the @ character turns inverse video on and off,
and can be embedded in the message string. The first ESC character followed by
a @ character displays all the text that follows in inverse video until another
ESC character followed by a @ character is found in the string.
NOTE. The use of escape codes other than those described above may produce
unpredictable results.
The label area is the height and width you have set using the MESSage:Box
command. The length of the label that fits in the label area depends on the
contents of the label, because the width of characters varies. For a complete list
of character widths in pixels, see Table A–1 on page A–2.
If the message exceeds the limits of the window, either horizontally or vertically,
the portion of the message that exceeds the limits will not be displayed. The
message string itself is not altered. The entire message can be returned as a query
response regardless of what is displayed in the window.