
TDS 620A, 640A & 644A User Manual
This section describes the details of operating the digitizing oscilloscope. It
contains an alphabetical list of tasks you can perform with the digitizing
oscilloscope. Use this section to answer specific questions about instrument
operation. These tasks include:
H Probe Compensation
H Probe Selection
H Pulse Triggering
H Remote Communication
H Saving and Recalling Setups
H Saving and Recalling WaveĆ
H Selecting Channels
H Signal Path Compensation
H Status
H Triggering
H Vertical Control
H Waveform Differentiation
H Waveform Integration
H Waveform Math
H Zoom
H Acquisition Modes
H Autoset
H Color
H Cursor Measurements
H Delayed Triggering
H Display Modes
H Edge Triggering
H Fast Fourier Transforms
H File System
H Hardcopy
H Help
H Horizontal Control
H Limit Testing
H Logic Triggering
H Measurement System
H Probe Cal
Many of these tasks list steps you perform to accomplish the task. You
should read Conventions on page ii of Welcome before reading about these