TDS 620A, 640A & 644A User Manual
Hamming window, 3Ć39
Hanning window, 3Ć39
Hard Flagging, Utility menu, 3Ć58
Hardcopy, 3Ć57ć3Ć64, GlossaryĆ4
Hardcopy (Talk Only), Utility menu,
HARDCOPY button, 3Ć53, 3Ć59, 3Ć118
Hardcopy if Condition Met, Acquire
menu, 3Ć73
Hardcopy Interface, Optional
RSĆ232/Centronic, AĆ2
Hardcopy menu
BMP Color, 3Ć59
BMP Mono, 3Ć59
Clear Spool, 3Ć59, 3Ć60
Deskjet, 3Ć59
DPU411-II, 3Ć59
DPU412, 3Ć59
EPS Color Img, 3Ć59
EPS Color Plt, 3Ć59
EPS Mono Img, 3Ć59
EPS Mono Plt, 3Ć59
Epson, 3Ć59
Format, 3Ć59
GPIB, 3Ć59
HPGL, 3Ć59
Interleaf, 3Ć59
Landscape, 3Ć59
Laserjet, 3Ć59
Layout, 3Ć59
OK Confirm Clear Spool, 3Ć60
PCX, 3Ć59
PCX Color, 3Ć59
Port, 3Ć59
Portrait, 3Ć59
RLE Color, 3Ć59
Thinkjet, 3Ć59
TIFF, 3Ć59
Hardcopy, Color menu, 3Ć11
Hardcopy, Utility menu, 3Ć118
Hardware Setup, Utility menu, 3Ć58
HC100 Plotter, 3Ć57
HC220 Printer, 3Ć57
HELP button, 3Ć65
Help system, 3Ć65
HF Rej, Main Trigger menu, 3Ć33
High, 3Ć84, GlossaryĆ4
High frequency rejection, 2Ć16
High Ref, Measure menu, 3Ć90
High speed active probes, 3Ć104
High voltage probes, 3Ć103ć3Ć104
HighĆLow Setup, Measure menu,
Histogram, Measure menu, 3Ć89
Holdoff, Main Trigger menu, 3Ć79,
Holdoff, trigger, 2Ć15, GlossaryĆ4
Horiz Pos, Horizontal menu, 3Ć68
Horiz Scale, Horizontal menu, 3Ć68
Horizontal, 3Ć8
Bar cursors, 2Ć27, 3Ć15, GlossaryĆ4
Control, 3Ć66ć3Ć69
Menu, 2Ć18
Position, 3Ć66
POSITION knob, 2Ć23
Readouts, 3Ć67
Scale, 3Ć66
SCALE knob, 1Ć11, 2Ć23
System, 1Ć11, 2Ć23
Horizontal menu, 3Ć21
Delayed Only, 3Ć21
Delayed Runs After Main, 3Ć21,
Delayed Scale, 3Ć68
Delayed Triggerable, 3Ć23, 3Ć68
Fit to screen, 3Ć68
Horiz Pos, 3Ć68
Horiz Scale, 3Ć68
Intensified, 3Ć21, 3Ć23
Main Scale, 3Ć68
Record Length, 3Ć68
Set to 10%, 3Ć68
Set to 50%, 3Ć68
Set to 90%, 3Ć68
Time Base, 3Ć21, 3Ć67
Trigger Position, 3Ć68
Horizontal POSITION knob, 3Ć66
Horizontal Readouts, 3Ć67
Horizontal SCALE knob, 3Ć66
HPGL, 3Ć57
HPGL, Hardcopy menu, 3Ć59
Hue, Color menu, 3Ć12
I/O, Status menu, 3Ć130
I/O, Utility menu, 3Ć58, 3Ć118
Icons, 1Ć1
Independent Mode, Cursor, 2Ć27ć2Ć28
Independent, Cursor menu, 3Ć18
Infinite Persistence, Display menu,
Installation, 1Ć3ć1Ć4
Integral math waveform, 3Ć143
applications, 3Ć143
automated measurements of, 3Ć146
derivation of, 3Ć143
magnifying, 3Ć142, 3Ć147
procedure for displaying, 3Ć143
procedure for measuring, 3Ć144
record length of, 3Ć143
Integration, Waveform, 3Ć143
Intensified Samples, Display menu,
Intensified, Horizontal menu, 3Ć21,
Intensity, 3Ć27, GlossaryĆ5
Intensity, Display menu, 3Ć27
Interleaf, 3Ć57
Interleaf, Hardcopy menu, 3Ć59
Interpolation, 2Ć20, 3Ć6, 3Ć29, GlossaĆ
FFT distortion, 3Ć46
linear versus sin(x)/x, 3Ć46
IRE (NTSC), Cursor menu, 3Ć19
Keypad, 1Ć21
Knob, GlossaryĆ5
General purpose, 1Ć20, 2Ć7, GlossaĆ
Horizontal POSITION, 1Ć11, 2Ć23,