TDS 620A, 640A & 644A User Manual
Hardcopy (Talk Only), 3Ć58
Hardware Setup, 3Ć58
I/O, 3Ć58, 3Ć118
Off Bus, 3Ć118
Parity, 3Ć58
Port, 3Ć58, 3Ć118
RS232, 3Ć58
Soft Flagging, 3Ć58
Software Setup, 3Ć58
Stop Bits, 3Ć58
System, 3Ć58, 3Ć118
Talk/Listen Address, 3Ć118
V Limit, Acquire menu, 3Ć71
Variable Persistence, Display menu,
Vectors, 3Ć27
Vectors, Display menu, 3Ć27
Vertical, 3Ć8
Bar cursors, 2Ć27, 3Ć15, GlossaryĆ9
Control, 3Ć136ć3Ć138
Offset, 2Ć23, 3Ć138
Position, 2Ć23, 3Ć136
POSITION knob, 2Ć23
Readout, 3Ć136
Scale, 3Ć136
SCALE knob, 1Ć11, 2Ć23
System, 1Ć11, 2Ć23
Vertical Menu, Cal Probe, 3Ć94
Vertical menu
100 MHz, 3Ć138
20 MHz, 3Ć138
Bandwidth, 3Ć138
Coupling, 3Ć137
Fine Scale, 3Ć138
Full, 3Ć138
Offset, 3Ć138
Position, 3Ć138
Set to Zero, 3Ć138
VERTICAL MENU button, 1Ć15
Vertical position, for DC correction of
FFTs, 3Ć44
Vertical POSITION knob, 3Ć136
Vertical Readout, 3Ć136
Vertical SCALE knob, 3Ć136
VGA Output, 2Ć5
Video Line Number, Cursor menu,
Video Trigger, Option 5, AĆ2
Video trigger, 2Ć14
View Palette, Color menu, 3Ć11
WARNING, statement in manual, xi
Waveform, GlossaryĆ9
Interval, GlossaryĆ9
Math, 3Ć148ć3Ć150
Off priority, 3Ć127
Waveform clipping. See Clipping
Waveform differentiation, 3Ć139
Waveform FFTs, 3Ć36
Waveform integration, 3Ć143
Waveform memory, 3Ć124
WAVEFORM OFF button, 1Ć17, 3Ć30,
Waveform record
FFT, 3Ć42
FFT frequency domain, 3Ć42
length of, 3Ć42
FFT source, 3Ć42
acquisition mode, 3Ć45
defined, 3Ć42
long versus short, 3Ć45
FFT time domain, 3Ć42ć3Ć52
Waveform, Display menu, 3Ć27
Waveforms, Math, 3Ć148
Waveforms, Status menu, 3Ć130
Width, 1Ć19, GlossaryĆ6, GlossaryĆ7
Width trigger, 3Ć109, 3Ć115
Width, Main Trigger menu, 3Ć112
Window, 3Ć49
BlackmanĆHarris, 3Ć39, 3Ć49, 3Ć52
characteristics of, 3Ć51
Hamming, 3Ć39, 3Ć49, 3Ć52
Hanning, 3Ć39, 3Ć49, 3Ć52
rectangular, 3Ć38, 3Ć49, 3Ć52
rectangular vs. bellĆshaped, 3Ć51
selecting, 3Ć49
Windowing, process, 3Ć49
Windows, descriptions of, 3Ć38ć3Ć39
XY, Format, 3Ć29ć3Ć31
XY format, GlossaryĆ9
XY, Display menu, 3Ć30
YT, Format, 3Ć29ć3Ć31
YT format, GlossaryĆ9
YT, Display menu, 3Ć30
Zero phase reference point, 3Ć42, 3Ć47
establishing for impulse testing,
Zoom, 3Ć151ć3Ć154
derivative math waveforms, 3Ć142
on FFT math waveforms, 3Ć45
on integral math waveforms, 3Ć147
ZOOM button, 3Ć151
Zoom feature, 2Ć25
Zoom menu
Reset Zoom Factors, 3Ć153
Zoom Off, 3Ć153
Zoom Off, Zoom menu, 3Ć153