
Command Groups
Syntax and Commands
Transferring Waveform Data From the Oscilloscope
Transfer waveforms from the oscilloscope to an external controller using the
following sequence.
1. Select the waveform source(s) using the DATa:SOUrce command. If you
want to transfer multiple waveforms, select more than one source.
2. Specify the waveform data format using DATa:ENCdg.
3. Specify the number of bytes per data point using DATa:WIDth.
4. Specify the portion of the waveform that you want to transfer using
5. Transfer waveform preamble information using WFMPRe? query.
6. Transfer waveform data from the oscilloscope using the CURVe? query.
Transferring Waveform Data to the Oscilloscope
Transfer waveform data to one of the two reference memory locations in the
oscilloscope using the following sequence.
1. Specify the waveform reference memory using DATa:DESTination.
2. Specify the waveform data format using DATa:ENCdg.
3. Specify the number of bytes per data point using DATa:WIDth.
4. Specify the first data point in the waveform record using DATa:STARt.
5. Transfer waveform preamble information using WFMPRe:<wfm>.
6. Transfer waveform data to the oscilloscope using CURVe.
TableĂ2Ć17:ăWaveform Commands
CURVe Transfer waveform data
DATa Waveform data format and location
DATa:DESTination Destination for waveforms sent to oscilloĆ
DATa:ENCdg Waveform data encoding method
DATa:SOUrce Source of CURVe? data
DATa:STARt Starting point in waveform transfer
DATa:STOP Ending point in waveform transfer
DATa:TARget Same as DATa:DESTination
DATa:WIDth Byte width of waveform points
WAVFrm? Returns waveform preamble and data