
Programming Examples
TDS 310, TDS 320 & TDS 350 Programmer Manual
4. For this installation, you also want to copy DECL.H and MCIB.OBJ from
your Tektronix S3FG210 (National Instruments GPIBĆPCII/IIA) GPIB drivĆ
ers directory to this directory. For example, if the GPIB drivers are in the
gpib-pc directory and you are in the example programs directory, type:
copy \gpib–pc\decl.h .
copy \gpib–pc\mcib.obj .
5. To compile and link your TDS sample C" programs, simply type: nmake
<file name>.mak
where <file name> refers to the name of the example program
you wish to compile and link. Specifically:
To compile and link MEAS.C, type: nmake meas.mak
To compile and link COMM.C, type: nmake comm.mak
To compile and link GETWFM.C, type: nmake getwfm.mak
To compile and link TL.C, type: nmake tl.mak
6. Run the program by typing the program name.
To run meas, type: meas
To run comm, type: comm
To run getwfm, type: getwfm
To run tl, type: tl
Compiling and Linking Your Example QuickBASIC Programs Ċ To
make an executable for any of the following files, perform the following:
1. Install QuickBASIC.
2. Install the Tektronix S3FG210 (National Instruments GPIBĆPCII/IIA) GPIB
board and drivers. Remember to reboot your PC to initialize the GPIB
3. Copy the files from the examples diskette to your hard disk. You might
also create a special directory to store them. For example, if the current
drive is hard disk C, you want to store the examples in drive C, and the
examples diskette is in drive B, type:
mkdir examples
cd examples
copy b:\gpib\q–basic\*.* .
4. For this installation, you also want to copy QBDECL.BAS and QBIB.OBJ
from your Tektronix S3FG210 (National Instruments GPIBĆPCII/IIA) GPIB
drivers directory to the directory your example programs are in. For
example, if the GPIB drivers are in the gpib–pc directory and you are in
the example programs directory, type:
copy \gpib–pc\qbdecl.bas .