
Status and Events
TDS 310, TDS 320 & TDS 350 Programmer Manual
Tables 3Ć3 through 3Ć9 list all the programming interface messages the oscilĆ
loscope generates in response to commands and queries.
For most messages, a secondary message from the oscilloscope gives more
detail about the cause of the error or the meaning of the message. This
message is part of the message string and is separated from the main mesĆ
sage by a semicolon.
Each message is the result of an event. Each type of event sets a specific bit
in the SESR and is controlled by the equivalent bit in the DESER. Thus, each
message is associated with a specific SESR bit. In the message tables that
follow, the associated SESR bit is specified in the table title, with exceptions
noted with the error message text.
Table 3Ć3 shows the messages when the system has no events or status to
report. These have no associated SESR bit.
TableĂ3Ć3:ăNo Event Messages
0 No events to report - queue empty
1 No events to report - new events pending *ESR?
Table 3Ć4 shows the error messages generated by improper command synĆ
tax. Check that the command is properly formed and that it follows the rules
in the Command Syntax chapter starting on page 2Ć1.
TableĂ3Ć4:ăCommand Error Messages Ċ CME Bit 5
100 Command error
102 Syntax error
103 Invalid separator
104 Data type error
105 GET not allowed
108 Parameter not allowed
110 Command header error
111 Header separator error
112 Program mnemonic too long
113 Undefined header
161 Invalid block data (indefinite length blocks are not allowed over
the RSĆ232)