Theory of Operation
MTG100 & MTG300 MPEG Generator Service Manual
address decoder. The PCI Interface board provides the communication between
the CPU module and A10 board and A40 board.
The fourth slot of the Backplane contains the Ethernet LAN interface board. The
MPEG generator has a 100 BASE-T/10 BASE-T connector on the rear panel.
A30 Front Panel Board
The A30 Front Panel board consists of the CPU to create key codes, rubber
contact switches, rotary encoder, and four LEDs. The key codes are transferred to
the CPU unit with the keyboard control CPU through the RS-232C interface.
A35 Power Switch
The power switch is a push-type switch with ground closure. It is connected to
the A40 MISC (Power Distribution & Interface) board through the A30 Front
Panel board.
A40 MISC (Power Distribution & Interface) Board
The A40 MISC (Power Distribution & Interface) board distributes the +3.3 V
and –5 V power supply voltage derived from the +5 V and + 12V power
supplied from the Power Supply. It supplies them to the each board and module,
fans, and hard disk drives. It also provides interface between the LCD module,
floppy disk drive, A30 Front Panel board and the CPU unit.
A50 SCSI Termination Boards
The SCSI bus termination for the Data HDDs consists of the two termination
regulators and termination resistors.
Power Supply
The Power Supply derives the +5V and +12 V power supply voltages from the
AC line and supplies them to the A40 MISC (Power Distribution & Interface)
LAN Board