
MTG100 & MTG300 MPEG Generator Service Manual
H Mechanical Parts List includes a table of all replaceable modules, their
descriptions, and their Tektronix part numbers.
Manual Conventions
This manual uses certain conventions that you should become familiar with.
Some sections of the manual contain procedures for you to perform. To keep
those instructions clear and consistent, this manual uses the following
H Names of front panel controls and menus appear in the same case (initial
capitals, all uppercase, etc.) in the manual as is used on the MPEG generator
front panel and menus.
H Instruction steps are numbered unless there is only one step.
H Bold text refers to specific interface elements that you are instructed to
select, click, or clear.
Example: To power off the MPEG generator, press the ON/STBY switch.
H Italic text refers to document names or sections. Italics are also used in
Example: The Diagrams section, beginning on page 9-1, includes a block
diagram and an interconnect diagram..
Throughout this manual, any replaceable component, assembly, or part of the
MPEG generator is referred to generically as a module. In general, a module is
an assembly (like a circuit board), rather than a component (like a resistor or an
integrated circuit). Sometimes a single component is a module. For example, the
chassis of the MPEG generator is a module.
Symbols and terms related to safety appear in the Safety Summary near the
beginning of this manual.
Finding Other Information
Other documentation for the MPEG generator includes:
H The MTG100 & MTG300 MPEG Generator User Manual contains a tutorial
to quickly describe how to operate the MPEG generator. It also includes an
in-depth discussion on how to more completely use the MPEG generator