Hardware Device Error Codes
MTG100 & MTG300 MPEG Generator Service Manual
Table 6Ć10: Hardware device error codes (Cont.)
Error code SolutionPossible CausesSymptom
Change Packet
0x25400100 A nonĆtransport stream packet is
A nonĆtransport stream packet data
was transferred to the input buffer of
the Change Packet.
Reset the instrument.
0x25400200 Packet transfer timeĆout occurs. A packet could not be transferred
from the input buffer of the Change
Packet or SI RAM to the input buffer
of the Change Word in the specified
Reset the instrument. If this error
occurs frequently, replace the A10
Main board.
0x25400300 Input data can not be flushed. The flush operation of the data in the
input buffer of the Change Packet
did not end in the specified time.
Reset the instrument. If this error
occurs frequently, replace the A10
Main board.
There are too many tasks to operate. The number of tasks that the
Change Packet can handle exceedĆ
ed the maximum value (255).
Reduce the tasks.
Change Word
0x35400100 A nonĆtransport stream packet is
A nonĆtransport stream packet data
was transferred to the input buffer of
the Change Word.
Reset the instrument.
0x35400200 Packet transfer timeĆout occurs. A packet could not be transferred
from the input buffer of the Change
Word to the output buffer of the
Change Word in the specified time.
Reset the instrument. If this error
occurs frequently, replace the A10
Main board.
0x35400300 Input data can not be flushed. The flush operation of the data in the
input buffer of the Change Word did
not end in the specified time.
Reset the instrument. If this error
occurs frequently, replace the A10
Main board.