
Section 2— Startup and Configuration
Configuring Switcher Inputs
Primary video and key inputs to the switcher are numbered 1
through 64. Any of these inputs can be treated as either a video
signal or a key signal.
Each input, including Black and Background, can be mapped to
any vertical column of source select (“crosspoint”) buttons.
The external video and key assignments are set up following
installation to correspond to the video and key inputs connected to the
frame. These assignments should never be changed by the operator.
Internally-generated sources (black, backgrounds, mask, etc.) are
also available for selection on the crosspoint matrix.
Thirty-two sources may be assigned at one time to the crosspoints
— 16 unshifted and 16 shifted selections. During the installation
procedure, each of the 32 input buses is assigned a video signal, a
key signal, and a chroma key signal.
All inputs are defined by function, name, crosspoint, input
number, and signal format.
You may determine the input assignments and the characteristics
of the input signals through the use of the Configuration
submenus, as described in the following procedures.