
setup change smoothly over a
predetermined time to those of another
effects setup.
E-MEM® (Effects Memory): A GVG effects-
memory system capable of storing and
recalling switch and control settings of
switcher effects configurations.
Encoded Chroma Key: A chroma key which
uses an encoded video signal (e.g., from a
VTR) instead of separate RGB or Y, CR, CB
signals for deriving the key.
Encoded Video: A video signal which
contains both luminance and chrominance
information in the same signal. (Also see
Composite Video, NTSC, and PAL.)
Encoder: A device used to create a single
composite color signal from a set of
component signals. Commonly used on
switcher Program and Preview outputs for
composite monitor requirements.
Error Message: A message generated by
the program to identify a program error or
the area in which a malfunction occurs.
Event Number: Number assigned by the
editing system to each performed edit.
Exception Processing: The activity of a
CPU in response to an interrupt in its
normal execution of instructions.
Execution: The carrying out of a particular
set of instructions.
External Key: An input signal to the
switcher used exclusively as a key source.
Typically this key source is selected
automatically with the selection of the key
Extrude: A title enhancement in which a
depth dimension is added to the title key
Fade-to-Black: See Preset Black Transition.
Fault Isolation: The determination of the
cause of a failure by identifying a defective
component or circuit.
Field: One complete scan of the TV screen
by the electron beam. In the NTSC
standard, two interleaved fields of 262 and
263 raster lines make up a frame. In the
PAL standard, two interleaved fields of
312 and 313 raster lines make up a frame.
The duration of a field is approximately 1/
60 of a second in NTSC or 1/50 of a second
in PAL (625 lines).
File: A collection of related records in a
computer system treated as a unit.
Fill or Insert Video: The video or matte
signal used to fill the holes cut in the
background video by the key signal.
Firmware: Physical devices (integrated
circuits) that house computer programs.
(Also see Hardware and Software.)
Flag: A bit of information used to tell the
program that some condition has
Flip-Flop: A transition in which the video
sources selected on the background buses
exchange places at the end of the
transition; for example, the source selected
on A Background becomes selected on B