
Section 4— Switcher Operations
Luminance and Linear Keying Operations
Keys enable you to insert one picture into another to create a
composite effect. For example, you may want to add a caption to
a scene. For more information about keying, refer to Section 3:
Switcher Concepts.
To create a luminance or linear key, do the following:
1. Select Key 1 on the M/E 1 Transition Subpanel.
2. Select the Title 1 crosspoint button on the Key 1 Bus. When
you select a crosspoint, Key Memory automatically recalls the
key type and the adjustments last used with that crosspoint.
3. Press AUTO SELECT KEY on the M/E 1 Keyers Subpanel to
create a key using both the fill and the external key source
assigned to the crosspoint
. Selecting VIDEO KEY produces a
self key using the fill video assigned to the crosspoint to both
key from and fill with.
4. Select
LUM KEY or LIN (linear) KEY. Note that LUM KEY is often
used for video self keys, and LINEAR KEY is typically used
when keying from anti-aliased graphics, characters, or digital
effects images that provide an external keying signal in
addition to their fill video.
1. A key from the video portion of the Title will result if no key is assigned to Title 1. This is done in the
Config/Inputs/Map Inputs Menu.