Operating Basics: User Interface
OTS9100 User Manual 2-19
Module Signal Summary LED Panel
The summary of signal states for an individual panel. The Module Signal
Summary LED Panel provides a summary status of error signals for the
active panel.
Slot Signal LED Panel
Selecting the Slot Signal will display the LEDs for the chosen card slot.
User Selected Signal LED Window
The User Selected panel displays the results of a “User defined” state.
The user can select specific cards and display the LED states for all cards
selected. Multiple LED panel readings are aggregated into one uniform
panel display. For example, an LOS LED will be lit or “ON” if even one
out of a grouping of three cards has a loss of signal. If all three cards have no LOS then the LOS
LED would be “OFF” or not lit.
A fourth panel titled Select Signals to OR…provides access to the User Selected panel. Choosing
Select Signals to OR from the drop down menu launches a Customizable User LED Panel menu.
Three Entry Fields are contained within the menu, Panel Title Line 1, Panel Title Line 2 and a
list of active cards with check boxes.
Panel Title Line 1: Enter the name or title to be assigned to a user defined test group.
Panel Title Line 2: Enter the name or title to be assigned to a user defined test group.
Select Signal Panel Combinations provides a listing of all available Receiver cards. Choose a
combination of cards by clicking in the boxes adjacent to the card titles to select (check) or
deselect (uncheck) each available card. The User Defined Panel displays the results of these
Clear History
The Clear History button is used to clear the current history. History will begin resampling data
starting from the point in time that it was cleared.