Reference: Remote Commands ~ Command Description
OTS9100 User Manual 3-49
This query form returns the transmitter sub stream index.
Syntax :SOURce<slot>:DATA:IP:STReam:INDEX?
This command sets the transmitter IP traffic state. The query form returns the IP traffic state.
Syntax :SOURce<slot>:DATA:IP:TRAFfic?
:SOURce<slot>:DATA:IP:TRAFfic <Boolean>
This command enables or disables the packet over SONET scrambling. The query form returns the
current setting.
Syntax :SOURce<slot>:DATA:POS:SCRambling?
:SOURce<slot>:DATA:POS:SCRambling <Boolean>
This command controls the source of transmitted overhead data in Through Mode. The first parameter
specifies an overhead data field; the second selects whether that field's data comes from the received
signal (ON) or is generated by the OTS transmitter (OFF). The query form returns the current setting for
the specified field.
Syntax :SOURce<slot>:DATA:OVERhead:PASSthru? <Enum>
:SOURce<slot>:DATA:OVERhead:PASSthru <Enum> ,<Boolean>
Parameters Description
APS K1 and K2 (APS) bytes (bit value 16 in ...:ALL command)
DCC_S D1 through D3 (Section DCC) bytes (bit value 8)
DCC_L D4 through D12 (Line DCC) bytes (bit value 32)
E1A E1 byte (bit value 2)
E2A E2 byte (bit value 512)
F1A F1 byte (bit value 4)
J0A J0 (Section trace) byte (bit value 1)
M1A M1 byte (bit value 128)
S1A S1 byte (bit value 64)
Z2A Z2 byte (bit value 256)