Reference: Remote Commands ~ Command Description
3-40 OTS9100 User Manual
This query returns the values of all of the parameters of the :SENSE:MEASURE:SECTION:WINDOW?
query, as measured during the most recent N-second period. The parameters are returned in the order in
which they are listed under :SENSE:MEASURE:SECTION:CUMULATIVE.
Syntax :SENSe<slot>:MEASure:SECTion:WINDow:ALL?
This command clears the data in the sliding measurement window.
Syntax :SENSe<slot>:MEASure:WINDow:CLEAR
This query returns the number of seconds of measurement data included in the current windowed-
measurement calculations. Normally this value will be the same as the window size; clearing the window
data or changing the window size causes the sliding window to refill as new measurements are made.
Syntax :SENSe<slot>:MEASure:WINDow:LEVEL?
This command sets the duration in seconds of the interval over which windowed results measurements
are calculated. The query form returns the current setting.
Syntax :SENSe<slot>:MEASure:WINDow:SIZE?
:SENSe<slot>:MEASure:WINDow:SIZE <NR1>
This query returns a Boolean value indicating whether or not the optical power has exceeded its
maximum threshold. A return value of 1 indicates that optical power is overloaded, while a return value of
0 indicates that optical power is at an acceptable level. This command and query may be directed either
to the OTS Optics card or to the associated Receiver card.
Syntax :SENSe<slot>:OPTical:INPut:OVERload?