124 Sun StorEdge Network FC Switch-8 and Switch-16 Installation and Configuration Guide • October 2001
Adding a Sun StorEdge T3 Workgroup or
Enterprise Array
The following applies to when the Sun StorEdge T3 array is connected as a Fabric
device (an array to a switch TL_port and a host port to a switch F_port). If Sun
StorEdge Traffic Manager is enabled, refer to “To Configure a Fabric-Connected
Device as a Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager Device” on page 101. If Sun StorEdge
Traffic Manager is not enabled, refer to “To Configure a Fabric Device” on page 91.
Adding a Sun StorEdge A3500FC Array
Use the boot -r command after installing RAID Manager 6.22.1 and the first Sun
StorEdge A3500FC array.
You can add additional Sun StorEdge A3500FC arrays without rebooting, but you
must run the /usr/lib/osa/bin/hot_add command.
Adding a FC-Tape Drive
See the following documentation for additional information:
■ For the L180:
■ L180 Operator’s Manual
■ L180 Installation Manual
■ L180 Information Manual
■ L180 Assurance Guide
■ For the L700
■ L700 Operator’s Guide
■ L700 Service Manual
■ L700 Systems Assurance Manual
Removing Storage Devices
This section contains the following topics:
■ “Removing a Sun StorEdge A5200 Array” on page 125
■ “Removing a Sun StorEdge T3 Array Workgroup or Enterprise Configuration” on
page 125
■ “To Remove a Sun StorEdge A3500FC Array” on page 125