74 Sun StorEdge Network FC Switch-8 and Switch-16 Installation and Configuration Guide • October 2001
16. Update MANPATH to access cfgadm_fp(1M) man page.
For sh or ksh, type:
For csh, type:
17. Install StorTools package SUNWvtsst.
If you plan to used your system as a SAN Management host, install Step 17, Step 18,
and Step 19.
18. Install Network Storage Agent package SUNWrasag.
19. Install Sun StorEdge Network FC Switch Manager package SUNWsmgr
Not all installations require the SUNWsmgr package. Install it only on the SAN
Management host..
20. Reboot the system.
For a sample installation session, see Appendix D.
For each of the storage devices, upgrade the software, firmware, or configuration.
The components should be upgraded to the revision levels outlined in Table 3-1
“Minimum Software Component Versions and Patches” on page 36 in chapter 3.
After the above steps, you can leverage additional features provided by Sun
StorEdge FC network switch-8 and switch-16, version 3.0. You can configure the
SAN for:
■ Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager functionality
■ Solstice DiskSuite functionality
■ FCIP functionality
■ additional fabric zones
# MANPATH=/opt/SUNWsan/man:$MANPATH;export MANPATH
% setenv MANPATH /opt/SUNWsan/man:$MANPATH
# pkgadd -d pkg-location SUNWvtsst
# pkgadd -d pkg-location SUNWrasag
# pkgadd -d pkg-location/SUNWsmgr