Chapter 8 Configuring the SAN 107
An attachment point id (Ap_Id) on a Fabric-connected host port is a path to a Sun
StorEdge Traffic Manager device. Only the devices on a Fabric-connected host port
can be unconfigured through the cfgadm unconfigure command.
In CODE EXAMPLE 8-5, c0::50020f2300006077 and c2::50020f2300006107 attachment
point IDs represent different port WWNs for the same device such as a Sun StorEdge
T3 enterprise array.
3. Unconfigure the attachment point ID associated with Sun StorEdge Traffic
Manager device.
Note – If the attachment point ID represents the last configured path to the Sun
StorEdge Traffic Manager device, stop all activity to it and unmount any filesystms
on it. If the device is under any volume manager’s control, see the documentation
for your volume manager for maintaining the Fabric device.
# cfgadm -al
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
c0 fc-fabric connected configured unknown
c0::50020f2300006077 disk connected configured unknown
c0::50020f23000063a9 disk connected configured unknown
c1 fc-private connected configured unknown
c1::220203708b69c32b disk connected configured unknown
c1::220203708ba7d832 disk connected configured unknown
c1::220203708b8d45f2 disk connected configured unknown
c1::220203708b9b20b2 disk connected configured unknown
c2 fc-fabric connected configured unknown
c2::50020f2300005f24 disk connected configured unknown
c2::50020f2300006107 disk connected configured unknown
# cfgadm -c unconfigure c2::50020f2300006107