Sigma F Series Cooling Tower
Specifications: Options
Specification Value
Fiberglass Ladder:
9.3 Change paragraph 9.3 to read as
follows: One endwall of the tower
shall be equipped with an 18" (457
mm) wide fiberglass vertical ladder,
supported by hot-dip galvanized steel
brackets through-bolted to the endwall
structure. Ladder shall rise from the
cold water basin level to the top of
the fan deck guardrail, and shall be
designed and installed in conformance
with OSHA standards. A horizontal-
swing, gravity-closing safety bar shall
be provided across the ladder opening
at the fan deck.
Low Noise Tower:
1.1 Add the following at the end of para-
graph 1.1: The cooling tower shall be
quiet operating, and shall produce an
overall level of sound no higher than
____ dBA at the critical location indi-
cated on the Plans.
Fire-Retardant Fiberglass:
3.7 Add the following paragraph in the
Construction section: All fiberglass
components in the cooling tower shall
have a flame spread rating of 25 or
Fan Cylinder Extension:
4.2 Add a third sentence in paragraph
4.2 to read as follows: Overall fan cyl-
inder height shall be 10 feet above the
fan deck level.
Increased Wind and/or Earthquake
Premium Hardware:
■ This option is for those customers who either prefer fiberglass
ladders, or whose atmospheric conditions at the cooling tower
location dictate its use.
■ Sound produced by a Sigma tower operating in an unobstructed
environment will meet all but the most restrictive noise limita-
tions. Where sound levels may be considered critical, however,
low noise levels can be achieved by any of several techniques.
Please discuss your requirements with your local Marley sales
■ This option will affect the the standard casing panels, the plenum
partitions between cells, the fan cylinders, and the optional fiber-
glass stairway flights and landing panels.
■ Extended fan cylinder heights are useful where it is important to
discharge the cooling tower's leaving plume at a certain eleva-
tion. This may be to avoid recirculation, or to keep the plume
above a nearby structure.
■ If your geographic location dictates the application of higher wind
and/or seismic loads, please discuss with your local Marley repre-
sentative and change paragraph 3.3 to read appropriately. Please
also ask for revised concrete basin or supporting steel drawings
from Marley which reflect the higher load requirements.
■ Marley can provide hardware materials suitable for all aggres-
sive water conditions, including salt water. Please discuss with
your Marley representative and change specification paragraphs