Specification Value
Sigma F Series Cooling Tower
Specifications: Base
9.0 Access and Safety:
9.1 Single cell towers shall include a
33" (838 mm) wide by 61" (1.55 m)
high molded FRP access door in one
endwall casing for access to the inte-
rior of the tower. Casing access door
shall be hinged and equipped with a
latch operable from both inside and
outside the tower. Multicell towers
shall have an access door in both
endwalls, and shall include a hinged
door in each transverse partition to
give free access through the tower.
9.2 The top of the tower shall be equipped
with a sturdy 42" (1067 mm) high fiber-
glass guardrail system, complete with
top rails, intermediate rails, and toe-
boards conforming to OSHA standards.
Guardrail posts shall be extensions of
the tower columns.
9.3 One endwall of the tower shall be
equipped with a 20" (508 mm) wide
aluminum vertical ladder, supported
by hot-dip galvanized steel brackets
through-bolted to the endwall struc-
ture. Ladder shall rise from the cold
water basin level to the top of the fan
deck guardrail, and shall be designed
and installed in conformance with
OSHA standards. A horizontal-swing,
gravity-closing safety bar shall be pro-
vided across the ladder opening at the
fan deck.
10.0 Cold Water Basin:
10.1 A large galvanized, rectangular access
door shall be located on both end
panels for entry into the cold water
basin. Rectangular panels are shall be
provided for access to the fan plenum
area to facilitate inspection and allow
maintenance to the fan drive system
10.2 Concrete partitions, if required
between cells in the cold water basin,
shall be installed in accordance with
manufacturer's drawings. Tower
installer shall seal between tower cell
partitions and basin cell partitions.
■ The access doors on other towers may be unreasonably small.
Specifying the size of the door will cause those bidders to take
exception, alerting you to a potential maintenance headache.
Good maintenance practice requires periodic access to the top of
the tower to inspect the distribution basins, as well as the struc-
tural integrity of the fan deck, fan cylinder, and fan—especially
the fan blade securing hardware. And there are no induced-draft
cooling tower designs that are immune to this need! Please
beware of those manufacturers who suggest otherwise.
For the comfort and safety of your
operating personnel, the Sigma
F Series includes a ladder and
guardrail of the quality and
design indicated—and we
strongly recommend that
you require it of all bidders!
Portable ladders and other
“make-do” access means are
inappropriate for equipment of
this size and complexity.
■ This basic specification assumes that the tower will be erected
over a concrete basin at grade level. If the tower is to be installed
on an elevated supporting platform, the stainless steel cold water
collection basin indicated on page 20 should be included in the