Sigma F Series Cooling Tower
Specifications: Options
Specification Value
and a solid state circuit board for tem-
perature control and low water cutoff.
A control probe shall be located in the
basin to monitor water level and tem-
perature. The system shall be capable
of maintaining 40°F water temperature
at an ambient air temperature of ____
°F. Wiring of the heaters and the heat-
er components shall be the responsibil-
ity of the purchaser.
Convenience and Safety Options
Fiberglass Stairway:
9.3 Replace paragraph 9.3 with the
following: One endwall of the tower
shall be equipped with a structural
fiberglass stairway rising from grade
(roof) to the fan deck. Treads, stringers
and risers shall be molded integrally for
strength and stiffness. Stairs shall be
41.5°, 30" (762 mm) wide, with 8" (203
mm) rise and 9" (229 mm) run. Treads
shall have a nonskid surface. Landings
shall occur at 6'-0" (1.83 m) elevations.
Guardrails shall be 2" tubes, through-
bolted to 3" tube stairway columns.
Stairway foundation shall be by others,
designed in accordance with drawings
provided by the cooling tower manu-
facturer. The stairway shall conform to
OSHA standards.
Wood Stairway:
9.3 Replace paragraph 9.3 with the fol-
lowing: A 30" (762 mm) wide, column
supported, 45° stairway with 8" rise
and run of treated Douglas Fir shall
be provided at the tower endwall ris-
ing from grade (roof) to the fan deck.
Stair columns shall be nominal 4"x4".
Guardrails shall be nominal 2"x4". The
upper guardrail shall have an eased
edge for the protection of operating
personnel. Stairway foundation shall
be by others, designed in accordance
with drawings provided by the cooling
tower manufacturer. The stairway shall
conform to OSHA standards.
■ Although they are not necessary for routine operation and main-
tenance, stairways do provide a safe and comfortable means of
access to the top of the tower that is often overlooked in the ini-
tial cooling tower purchase. And fiberglass construction provides
long term service and stability. It also is architecturally compat-
ible with the basic tower construction and appearance.
■ Where atmospheric conditions at the jobsite are not aggressive,
the treated wood stairway may be chosen because of its lower