Congratulations! By purchasing a 1601E you have joined an exclusive club of musicians, re-mixers and Djs who have discovered a
new level of power and control over the effects in their music. Previously, to make effects happen in time with music was a matter of
painstaking analysis of the source signal and time consuming tweaking of parameters on effects units to make sure that the tempo
inherent in the effects did not clash with or break up the tempo of the music.
In one fell swoop 1601E does away with all that tedious messing about (matching milliseconds to BPMs and hooking multiple effects
units together) by assembling everything you need in one unit to filter, flange, gate, delay and pan in perfect synchronisation with
your music. At the heart of the 1601E is UREI's BPM Analysis Engine, which shoulders the responsibility of calculating the tempo of
the music. This leaves you free to concentrate on the real-time controls of the simultaneous effects 1601E offers. Four of these
effects have been available in various forms before, but never in such an easy-to-use and innovative form. By triggering the filter in
time with the music, you can seriously alter the harmonic shape of the sound without destroying the beat, or perhaps choose the
radical flange, for a classic sweep that's right out there. The gate makes gating and shaping the overall volume of the music in time
a breeze but perhaps the greatest timesaving is in the automatic synchronization of delays to the tempo of the music. No more look-
up tables for BPM equivalents in milliseconds, or complicated formulas that need a calculator. You just decide which beats you want
to hear the delays coincide with and then you can move on to more creative decisions such as whether the delays should sound like
a clinical 90's digital delay, a warm 60's tape delay or a more extreme 'vintage'.
But even the unique combination of these facilities is dwarfed by 1601E's ability to split the audio input into three bands (Low, Mid
and High) which can then be panned around independently in the stereo field. Spacial Panning System (SPS) will enable entirely
new effect textures and beat-related movements in the music of the future. In addition, the 3-band isolator lets you choose which
elements of the music pass through the effects.
This manual is designed to get you using the effects and sync'ing them to the music as quickly as possible. The simple real-time
operation of the effects parameters and beat assignment is described in detail, but at no time does it try and define how these effects
should be used. We tell you how 1601E works but never how to use it.
From the really subtle to the most excessive effects imaginable, it's down to you!
Registering Your Mixer
Please take this opportunity to register the purchase of your mixer with Urei By Soundcraft. You can do this by filling in the pre-paid
postcard included in the packaging, or by going online to www.ureidj.com/registration.
Urei by Soundcraft recommends AKG Professional Dj Headphones.
Please visit www.akg.com/dj for more information.