This effect operates in a similar fashion to the filter but on the overall volume of the signal. The Cutter can be set to operate either as
a conventional 'gate' which, each time it is triggered, opens instantly to allow the signal through but then after a short period closes
completely to cut off the signal. It will also work as a fade-in/fade-out control with a relatively short period of operation.
DEPTH [ X ] (mark: space ratio)
This parameter sets the length of the square pulse wave 'open' or 'on' period, the period in which the audio signal can be heard.
At the [MIN] position the gate is open for its maximum duration, allowing most of the audio signal to pass. As the encoder is rotated
clockwise the centre position the 'open' period becomes increasingly shorter, allowing less and less of the audio signal to pass until,
at the [MAX] position the duration of the open period is extremely short, allowing through only a minimal burst of audio.
NOTE: There is no SUB-MENU function for the CUTTER effect.
This parameter sets the shape of the cutter effect, transforming it from a falling saw tooth to a square pulse with interim settings in
When the [Y] encoder is in the default position the shape will be at its mid point. As the encoder is rotated anti-clockwise the shape
will become more sloped, the overall volume of the audio rising quickly and falling slowly until, at the edge position it will be a pure
saw tooth shape.
As the encoder is rotated clockwise the shape will become more squared-off, quickly rising and falling to form a 'gated' effect until,
at the edge position it will be a pure square wave.