At the fully anti-clockwise position of the [MIX] control 0%, no EXCITER will be applied to the main mix. As the control is rotated
clockwise the EXCITER is gradually added to the mix. At the fully clockwise position of the [MIX] control 100%, the amount of the
EXCITER added to the mix will be 100%.
At the fully anti-clockwise position of the [FREQ] control (LOW 40Hz), only Low frequencies will be excited and added to the mix. As
the control is rotated clockwise the frequencies to be excited will change from low to high (bass to treble).
At the fully clockwise position of the [FREQ] control (HIGH 20KHz), high frequencies will be excited and added to the mix.
By manipulating both the [FREQ] and [MIX] controls simultaneously you can create a “filtering/phasing” effect.
You may have to reduce the trim when using the exciter: the resonance of the selected frequencies may boost the output
signal levels high enough to overload the system. The red LEDs on the meter will show that the levels are going too high.
The inputs to the cross-fader are provided by the outputs of the channel 1 and 2 output faders. The X-fader then outputs a mix of
these two signals which is dependent on the position of the X-fader and the setting of the X-fader curve control.
The x-fader curve control is located on the front panel. The continuously variable cross-fade characteristics are created and controlled
by the DSP, which ensures the precision of the cross-fader.
At the fully anti-clockwise position the channel level will start to reduce at a linear rate near the cross-fader’s centre position. As the
curve control is moved in a clockwise direction the channel level will start to reduce more rapidly nearer the opposite channel end-
stop until, at the fully clockwise position, the channel level will start to reduce dramatically just before the opposite channel end-stop.
Fully clockwise - scratch/cut mode.
Centre - smooth fade mix mode.
The X-fader action may also be reversed via the [REV] switch.